Today we'd like to introduce you to an exciting project working on a planetary scale paradigm shift. The "Earth Nation" is a movement of people that believe we can easily and gracefully transition from traditional governmental and corporate systems into a new paradigm of abundance, wellness and true freedom for everyone. Read on below to learn more about this global project.
A Special Message from the Earth Nation:
Rather than attempting to fix the traditional systems of government and business, we have devoted ourselves to finding, developing, and propagating ethical and decentralized alternatives to every government and corporate product and service.
We are a movement. We are a network. We are also an alternative government with 70 vote holding members, and currently have 232 proposals active in our latest liquid dynamic governance experiments.
Founders of the Earth Nation have been working for the Paradigm Shift for many decades.
We are extremely grounded in the world; we steward and support 9 decentralized intentional communities spanning 15,000 acres of land on 4 continents. Many of our founders lead at least one other New Paradigm organization. Many of us are business owners, non-profit board members, and humanitarian/environmental activists.
What does this mean for you?
If you are a person seeking assistance in living a life full of joy, connection, purpose, excitement and peace, then we are here to help you. We offer a complete spectrum of solutions to assist you. From life coaching, mental health, spiritual practices, bodily health, financial autonomy, connecting to like minds, business/nonprofit funding/development and numerous other services.
The vast majority of our services are completely free. We prefer to help people
Now… if you are someone who is already living a fulfilled life, if you are also the kind of person that wants to give back to the world and help others on their journey. Then we can help you to more efficiently and effectively help more of the people you wish to serve.
Alternatively, if you are someone who is just interested in learning more about the paradigm shift in general, we have an extensive living database of hundreds of paradigm shift projects happening around the world.
If you are someone who is ready to do MORE to change the world in a positive way, please connect with us. To get started pick one or more of the following:
1. Explore the Earth Nation site at https://earthnation.world 2. Educate yourself with their free online academy: https://earth-nation.teachable.com/p/earth-nation-ambassadors/ 3. Donate to the Flower of Life Society non-profit church to fund Earth Nation projects: https://www.paypal.me/floweroflifesociety 4. Meet our international online community. Sign up on our website, EarthNation.World for links to our chat rooms and video meetings.
At UNIFY, we conduct Global Synchronized Meditations and Collective Social Impact Campaigns to contribute to the growing field of peace on earth. We unite communities to elevate consciousness on Peace Day, Yoga Day, Water Day, Earth Day, and more. If you’ve read this far, please know we
love you!